I remember looking at the stars during an overseas army exercise and standing there motionless - totally overwhelmed by the spectacular star-studded night sky...
I remember looking at the grass patches back in Pasir Ris and marveling at how every blade of grass is actually a different hue of green and reflects light differently, and yet every blade of grass does not look incoherent with its neighbours...
I also remember practising wushu and marveling at how the different parts/muscles of my body work together - all in perfect coordination and harmony...
It is not easy to design anything. Many people who believe in evolution do not know what they are believing in - they are just searching for something to believe in, other than God. Evolution essentially states that nothing is impossible given enough time for random chances and mutations to happen... The universe was created by a coincidence of multitudes of favourable conditions... Life was made possible on earth created, again, by a coincidence of multitudes of favourable conditions in time and space... Molecules arranged themselves by chance into living organisms which thereafter evolved by chance into more complex living bodies (e.g. jellyfish, monkeys, etc)... The stronger survived while the weaker died away, evolutionists reasoned... Subsequently, certain apes evolved (due to survival necessities, natural selection and chance) into humans who are able to think and reason and create and design... You have to have particularly BLIND faith to believe that: that unaided molecules have created people!
If it was true that time makes all things possible, it should be conceivable that energy from the sun could, given enough time, transform telephone poles into the most complex of flying machines (e.g. aeroplanes, rockets, space shuttles). It should be conceivable that an explosion at a bookstore will produce a printed material (e.g. I-weekly, Straits Times, etc) in the process of the explosion... It should be conceivable that a monkey typing randomly on a word processor would be able to type out the Bible (or for that matter, any other book) given enough time and chances... But it won't happen.
We know that to plan and manufacture something that is vastly inferior to the human body - like a car - takes an intelligent designer or a group of such intelligent beings! An unbiased observer would have great difficulty denying the rational conclusion that the human body - a vastly superior machine to the car - was made by a vastly superior designer (God).
If you are still wondering, here's a article for you...
The human body is designed unlike any other creature. Our ability to communicate and understand, to feel emotions, and to think rationally shows that we are created for a purpose—to have a relationship with God.
I once designed a small knife which consisted of a slender rod with a tiny razor-sharp blade at the end. One of my students came across the knife and started using it to cut up cards.
I explained to him that the knife was for something far more important—for carrying out life-saving operations on newly born boys who have a blocked bladder valve. If the student had looked closely at the intricate design of the knife, he would have known it was no ordinary knife
Many today make the same mistake concerning the purpose of human life.
Evolutionists assume that humans are just an advanced ape-like creature with no special design or purpose.
According to naturalistic philosophy, the design of human beings has evolved to meet survival tasks like fighting, hunting, and gathering. For example, evolutionists say that human hands evolved to make weapons; human faces evolved to make threatening expressions; and the human brain evolved to plan survival strategies.
More Than Survival?
In contrast, the Bible reveals that humans are unique creatures designed for much more than just survival. Humans are creative, emotional, and spiritual beings, separate from the animal kingdom. We are designed to have deep relationships with others and with our Creator.
Humans have a unique ability to be creative in many areas. We have areas in the brain dedicated to the appreciation of beauty and creative thinking. Only humans have thousands of touch sensors on every finger. Only humans have a large part of the brain dedicated to controlling the hands with precision.
Up to 100 muscles are at work during communication, and the brain is processing information at an immense rate.
The precise abilities of the human hand are not what we would expect if we were descended from an ape-like creature; but they are just what we would expect if we are made in God’s image.
Designed to Communicate?
Humans have the unique ability to communicate thoughts and emotions through language. Human speech and writing contain intricate sounds, sophisticated grammar, and thousands of words. Language enables humans to teach and learn, and to develop relationships.
Language requires many complex design features in the human body. Large areas of the brain are dedicated to processing speech. Humans have a uniquely long throat, agile tongue, fine lips, and precise vocal cords. Up to 100 muscles are at work during communication, and the brain is processing information at an immense rate.
Such verbal skills are hardly likely to have evolved just to allow man to be a hunter-gatherer. However, language is just what we would expect if humans were created to worship and glorify their Creator.
Designed for Emotion?
Humans are capable of a vast range of emotions. Scientists know that part of the brain is dedicated to emotional feelings, but science cannot explain where such feelings come from.
Humans are capable of a vast range of emotions.Humans also have a physical design that complements their emotional nature. This includes crying tears of emotion and communicating emotion by facial expressions. The human face has 50 facial muscles and the unique ability to make on the order of 10,000 different facial expressions.1 Such characteristics cannot be explained by the idea of evolution.
Humans are also designed to derive pleasure in many subtle ways. We can appreciate beauty through sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. Insofar as scientists have explored these subjects, only a human stops to enjoy a sunset or to appreciate a bird’s song.
Designed for Spiritual Life?
Finally, humans are uniquely capable of rational thought and self-awareness. We decide what course of action to take at every moment and in every area of life. In contrast, animals are predictably obedient to instinct. Apes do not worry about the meaning of life.
The ability to think and decide also means that humans are responsible beings. We are responsible for our actions and accountable to our Creator if we break His commands.
Genesis reveals that mankind was designed to steward the earth and to have fellowship with God. But man rebelled against his Creator in the Garden of Eden.
Thankfully God has also made us capable of receiving eternal life through the gift of faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8). And those who know Christ are designed to live eternally in Heaven with Him. As human beings, we are designed for far more than survival.
Are you convinced?
Source: answersingenesis.org
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